Do You Fluff Your Pillow? A Guide to Better Sleep Through Proper Pillow Care

Pillow Care Natural Comfort PillowPillows come in all shapes and sizes. The good ones, like the Natural Comfort Pillow, can help you sleep better, reduce neck and shoulder pain, and even help with recovery after athletic activity.

We depend on our pillows to take care of us, night after night. The question is, are we taking proper care of our pillows so they can effectively take care of us? To follow is a list of easy, fun and effective ways to improve the performance of our pillows so they can help us sleep better consistently …

These tips are most effective with supportive pillows like the Natural Comfort Pillow, which is made from feathers and down, a 230 thread count cotton cover and a versatile bolster system.

Fluff Your Pillow!

We’re not talking any ordinary fluffing, here. To fully fluff the feathers and down in your pillow, we suggest putting it in the dryer before its first use (by itself) for 20 minutes on a warm or hot setting. When you do this, an amazing thing happens — the pillow puffs up, much like a kernel of corn when it becomes popcorn! It becomes so full and puffy that it can more than double in height! Don’t worry though, once you begin resting on the pillow it will immediately begin to contour to your body.

We recommend hand-fluffing your pillow 2-3 times per week to keep the feathers and the down properly spaced. We like to call this “active pillow care,” and it’s an important component in making sure your pillow gives you optimal results.

Break Your Pillow In

Because of the unique qualities of your neck, your Natural Comfort Pillow may need a week or two to adjust to your neck and create a custom fit. During the adjustment period, it’s OK to switch back and forth between your old pillow and your Natural Comfort Pillow, or simply fluff your new pillow before you go to bed each night.

During the break-in period, you may want to experiment with the different bolsters in our pillow. One side is for people with smaller shoulders, while the other side is for people with broader shoulders. Depending on your physiology, one side may prove more comfortable than the other.

Flip, as Necessary

So, this tip addresses proper use more than it does proper care. Since one side of the pillow is for side-lying and the other for back-lying, it’s important to make sure you’re using the appropriate side so you are supporting your head, neck and spine in an optimal manner.

How to Clean Your Pillow

Never wash your Natural Comfort Pillow. If it is in need of a cleaning, please dry clean only! Typically, all you’ll need to do is change your pillow case regularly to keep your pillow clean. One of the unique benefits of our 230 thread count cover is that it keeps the feather and down filling in while blocking out allergins (which have a tendency to build up in lesser-made pillows).

Learn more about the Natural Comfort Pillow,  and how it can help you sleep better, reduce pain and live well!

And remember, if you take care of your pillow, it will take care of you!

Thank you for visiting Natural Comfort Pillow, and sleep well!

The Connection Between Goals & Better Sleep, Part 2: Discovering Your Goals

Goals & Better Sleep Part 2 Discovering Your GoalsIn Part 1 of our series, we talked about the importance of sleep in relation to accomplishing goals. In Part 2, we’ll be discussing how to discover your goals, which will make it possible for you to clearly define them.

Discovering Your Goals

Do you know what your goals are? Each year, millions of people make New Year’s resolutions, but they don’t really understand how to accomplish them. Of course, before you can accomplish a goal, you need to know what it is. This may sound obvious, but when asked what their goals are many people’s response is “I don’t know.”

What I like to ask people who give me this answer is, “if you did know, what would it be?” This is a question I learned from Brian Tracey, and it has a way of freeing up the mind so an individual can discover their goals. So if your answer is “I don’t know,” ask yourself what if you did know? A good rule of thumb is to be mindful of what you love to do the most in life. Make sure you have a pen and paper handy and start writing down what comes to mind. Don’t worry about whether or not you can make a “living” at it. The only contingency is your love of doing it.

Make sure your list is full of things you really want to do — not things you think you’re supposed to do, or what others might expect of you. Remember, if you focus on doing what you love, you’ll be more apt to do a fantastic job with it — and make a better living, too!

Once the list is completed, set it aside for at least a day or two. Then, sit with it again and cross off anything that doesn’t really get you excited, and circle the items that still get you really pumped. There may also be ideas that are stuck in the middle of these two options. Cross them off. If they’re not getting you excited enough to place them in “pumped” section, there’s no need to put them there.

Addressing Fear

The exception to this rule is fear. In other words, if you’re crossing something off the list because it scares you, that’s not a good reason not to do something. If you feel it would be really great to do but, you you’re not “good enough,” or it seems too difficult, think long and hard about putting it on your goals list.

At the end of the day, if you believe you can than you probably can. And if you believe you can’t, you’ll be right, too. If you’re having trouble with your goals list, it might be a good idea to sit with a good friend or loved one to discuss it. As a matter of fact, it’s a good idea to do this even if you wind up being crystal-clear about what your goals are. The more support the better!

Once you have a paired down list of goals, you armed with the foundation of information you need to manifest each goal into reality. Some may take only days to accomplish, some years. Our next installment of this series will focus on clearly defining your goals, which will help you create a step-by-step plan of action to accomplish them.

The Goal of Better Sleep

One of the main reasons our customers buy the Natural Comfort Pillow is the fact that it helps them sleep better. In all, our supportive pillow can be of assistance with eight different types of sleep issues — from reducing neck and shoulder pain, to reducing snoring, and more. The importance of a good night’s sleep cannot be understated. So when you’re thinking about your goals, consider whether or not you’re getting the quality of sleep you need in order to accomplish those goals most effectively.

Until next time, sleep well, and good luck with creating your goals list!

You may also like:

The Connection between Goals & Sleep, Part 1: How to Sleep Better

The Connection Between Goals & Better Sleep, Part 3: Clearly Defining Your Goals

The Connection Between Goals & Better Sleep, Part 4: Implementing a Step-by-Step Plan of Action

Simple Ways to Reduce Neck Pain

Simple Ways to Reduce Neck PainHave you ever seen someone use a bow and arrow? There’s a tremendous amount of tensile pressure involved in pulling back the bowstring before the arrow is released. In order for the arrow to hit its mark accurately, the bowstring has to be incredibly tight.

Those of us with chronic neck pain can identify with this, because that’s often what a tense neck feels like — pressure, pain, tightness.

That’s why we’ve put together this list of strategies to reduce neck pain and help loosen up a tense neck.

Get a Massage
In addition to helping relieve stress, a good massage is an excellent way to reduce neck pain and improve mobility. Make sure you go to an experienced professional. They’ll cost more, but the benefits you receive will be worth it. There are times that neck pain is caused by muscle issues in different parts of your body, including the back. Neck pain can also be caused by the tightening of your body’s fascia, which is a thin layer of tissue that runs throughout your entire body, covering your muscles and organs.

Stretch or Practice Yoga
Another way to combat tight muscles and tight fascia is to stretch or practice yoga regularly. To follow are some simple stretches and exercises you can perform during the day …

The TV Stretch
Retract your shoulder blades by sitting on the edge of your chair. Next, lengthen your spine, extending it as if you were growing taller. Put your hands on your lap and gently move your shoulders back, “pinching” your shoulder blades together. Hold for about 30 seconds, and remember not to overdo it. Repeat at least one more time.

Mimic a Turtle
If you’ve been sitting at your computer or driving for more than 45 minutes, this is an excellent strategy to help reduce neck pain. When in either of these seated positions for too long, most people tend to project their heads forward toward the computer screen or windshield. When a person does this, it puts stress on the back of the neck (remember your brain and skull are about ten pounds). In addition to neck pain, this can also cause headaches, which of course cause neck pain, too.

The turtle technique strengthens your neck and back muscles, and helps you form a new sitting habit with better posture. When typing or driving, think of yourself as a turtle “retracting” your head into your shell. Keep a level chin, move your head back and flatten the curve in the back of your neck. Hold this position for about 5 seconds, and repeat 10 times. When retracting your neck, do not retract down into your shoulders, as that will compress your neck. Instead keep your shoulders relaxed and remember not to force anything when performing the turtle technique.

Neck Roll
Although you can’t make a sandwich on it, you’ll enjoy the neck roll just the same. Simply, and gently, drop your chin to your chest, and slowly roll your neck to the left, to the back, and then to the right and back down in a smooth motion. Repeat in the opposite direction. Remember to keep your body straight when doing this, and not to lean into the neck roll with your shoulders or upper torso. Continue rolling one way and then the other until your neck feels more loose.

Use a Supportive Pillow
Most people have grown accustomed to sleeping on foam pillows, or even down feather pillows that offer no support. Using a pillow like the Natural Comfort Pillow helps relax the muscles of the neck to reduce tension, which reduces neck pain. And with less neck pain comes better sleep. Our pillow helps keep your spine in alignment, too!

Although these strategies can help reduce neck pain, it’s always a good idea to speak with a medical professional before embarking on any type of new exercise regimen, or if you’re experiencing chronic neck pain.

Learn more about how our pillow can help with neck pain and help you sleep better.

Thank you for visiting Natural Comfort Pillow!

Do You Have Sleep Apnea?

Do You Have Sleep ApneaDid you know that approximately 22 million people are believed to suffer from some form of sleep apnea — either mild, moderate or severe? If you believe you fall into any of these categories, you might want to review the following criteria that can help you determine whether or not you should seek the help of a medical professional. Indicators of sleep apnea include how often you snore, and how easy it is for you to doze off during the day, among other things.

Before we take a deeper look at indicators, let’s get started by reviewing the three different types of sleep apnea:

Obstructive Sleep Apnea
This is the most frequently seen form of sleep apnea, which typically occurs when the soft tissue at the back of the throat relaxes while a person is sleeping. Relaxed soft tissue can block a person’s airway, in varying degrees, and can be a cause of snoring.

Central Sleep Apnea
Far less common than obstructive sleep apnea, central sleep apnea is connected to the central nervous system and occurs when a person’s brain doesn’t properly communicate with the muscles that control breathing. Snoring is NOT a symptom of this type of sleep apnea.

Complex Sleep Apnea
This is a combination of the two types of sleep apnea mentioned above.


Since you’re sleeping, self-diagnosis is not an easy task. If you have a significant other, calling upon their assistance, and documentation of what occurs, can prove helpful. You can also record yourself while you sleep and review yourself. 

  • Very loud snoring (a typical symptom of obstructive sleep apnea)
  • Pauses in-between snoring, followed by choking and/or gasps
  • Severe daytime sleepiness, also referred to as hypersomnia
  • Falling asleep easily during the day when you’re not active
  • Temporary cessation of breathing while sleeping
  • Waking up abruptly, accompanied by a discernable shortness of breath (typical with central sleep apnea)
  • Recurring morning headaches
  • Difficulty staying asleep (insomnia)
  • Waking up with a dry mouth or sore throat
  • Concentration, memory or learning problems

The Natural Comfort Pillow Can Help
Did you know that our pillow can help relieve obstructed sleep apnea symptoms? In addition, it’s incredibly comfortable and hypoallergenic! Find out more.

Please be advised that if you suspect you have any form of sleep apnea, it’s important to see a doctor as soon as possible.

Thank you for visiting Natural Comfort Pillow!

What Does Formula One Racing Have in Common with Your Pillow?

Therapeutic & Supportive PillowYou may be wondering, what could Formula One Racing possibly have in common with your pillow? The answer to this question depends on what type of pillow you use. If you’re using a typical, department store pillow, probably nothing. But if you’re using a therapeutic pillow, the connection between one of the fastest moving sports in the world and the restful slumber of sleep becomes clear — it’s all about support.

Let’s examine the similarities between some of the gear used in Formula One racing, specifically the driver’s seat and the Head and Neck Support (HANS) system, and the Natural Comfort Pillow.

Formula One Gear that Supports the Head, Neck & Spine

Did you know that those little tiny cockpits in Formula One racecars contain a custom-made seat? At their core, they’re made of a single piece of plastic for the strongest possible support. The next step is adding a custom-made seat cover that’s crafted to fit the exact shape of each driver — it actually molds perfectly around their bodies! This offers stability when driving, as well as support for the entire back.

While the spine is supported by the custom seat, the neck and head are supported and protected by the HANS system. This system includes a carbon fiber shoulder collar that sits under a driver’s safety belts, and is securely connected to his or her helmet with elastic straps. If impact occurs, the straps reduce head movement preventing vertebrae from stretching, and the collar absorbs and redistributes force away from the driver’s skull and neck muscles.

How Our Pillow Supports Your Head Neck & Spine

While the products mentioned above support a person when they’re driving fast, our pillow helps get you up to speed for your day. Speaking of driving, did you know you can use our pillow in the car? Just sit it vertically on our backrest, and the pillow will mould to your back — supporting it much like a custom Formula One seat!

As far as sleeping is concerned, consistently using a supportive pillow like the Natural Comfort Pillow can help with a variety of issues including:

  • Neck pain
  • Shoulder pain
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Insomnia
  • Sleep apnea
  • Snoring
  • TMJ
  • Migranes

Support for Back- and Side-sleepers

Here’s a quick overview on how our pillow works for both back- and side-sleepers. Feel free to visit our How this Pillow Helps page for more info.

Neck Pain Relief Back-Lying & Sleeping

Neck Pain Relief Side-Lying & Sleeping

We understand that when you’re sleeping, you’re not risking your life like a Formula One driver does during a race. The question is, by sleeping on an inferior pillow, how are you affecting your life negatively by not addressing issues lie insomnia or neck pain?

We created the Natural Comfort Pillow because we want to help people lead happier healthier lives. We also want you to be as successful as possible. Being well rested, and reducing pain can make a big difference in the amount of success each of us enjoys.

Since our pillow has an unconditional money-back guarantee, there’s no risk involved in giving it a try. All we ask is that you use the Natural Comfort Pillow for at least 30 days to see how it can improve your quality of life.

Thank you for visiting Natural Comfort Pillow!

Welcome to the Natural Comfort Pillow Blog

Therapeutic Natural Comfort PillowNatural Comfort Pillow has always been about doing out part to help improve the lives of our customers. Whether it’s relieving headaches, improving spine alignment, or addressing issues like insomnia or sleep apnea, our pillow has been providing relief to people for thirty years.

This blog is an extension of our philosophy — with a focus that goes beyond our physiotherapist-approved pillow to include exploration of different health-related topics.

Topics we’ll be covering include:

  • Neck Pain
  • Shoulder Pain
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Insomnia
  • Sleep Apnea
  • Snoring
  • TMJ
  • Migraines
  • Physical Therapy & Chiropractic

These topics are the areas we’ve been studying for three decades to help us make a better therapeutic pillow.

Beyond the Pillow

Although our Natural Comfort Pillow provides relief in all the areas mentioned above, taking an organic, whole-person approach to solutions for these conditions is what works best. In other words, we encourage you to take care of yourself throughout the day — not just when you’re sleeping — and our tips will help you do just that. Taking a whole-person approach is the most effective way to stay healthy and feel good.

Please note that our tips are not meant to replace the help of a professional doctor, physical therapist or chiropractor. But they are designed to raise your awareness regarding ways in which you can improve your health.

Learn More About Our Pillow
Haven’t tried our therapeutic pillow yet?
Learn more about how it can improve the quality of your sleep — and your life.

Thanks for visiting Natural Comfort Pillow!